by Paul Isom

Entry B32 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Paul and Marion Isom

Paul Isom purchased the shop and office
building when Franke Construction Com-
pany lnc. was sold in May 1976. Paul, being
accustomed to at least ten hour days work
when the company was in operation, was now
aware that he needed "something to do" to
fill the vacuum in his life during his retire-
ment and he was also cognizant of an
exigency for such a business in this locale.
That fall, the inception of a machine shop,
where basically "welding" was to hold prior-
ity was inevitable although there was no brief
job description of his work. Retirement
expanded into almost full time employment
with the shop being open at least eight hours
a day usually six days a week, but his business
was really his "hobby", creating from iron,
products which were meticulous.

One feature which made his shop unusual
was that he never advertised but that did not
limit his clientele. Many times jobs brought
into the shop were said to be irreparable but
those saw the transformation of a difficult
part, often more durable than the original. He
seemed to just picture the piece in his mind.

January 1, 1983, he sold his business to
Scott Ballard and the "Franke" name was
retired - a name well known in business in
Mullen since 1915, a span of 61 years.