by Wesley James
Entry B5 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society
Lowe Hardware and Implement Co. 1956
Louis Lowe purchased the business during
years of WWII when machinery and automo-
biles were hard to get. When his son, Kenneth
returned from the war, he joined Louis in the
business in 1946. They renamed the firm
Lowe Hardware & Implement Co. and con-
tinued with the IHC equipment, Pontiac,
Hardware and building materials for the next
five years. In 1949 Louis retired, turning his
share of the business over to his son-in-law,
Wes James. Wes and Kenneth went into
partnership continuing with the same lines as
were being handled previously.
In 1958 Wes purchased Kenneth's half of
the business. The firm was renamed Lowe
Company but the business continued with
the same lines of merchandise until 1971. By
1968 the building was deteriorating and
needed a great deal of repair so the upper
story of the building was removed.
Wes James sold the inventory in 1971 and
rented the building and began constructing
homes. He built homes in Mullen, Whitman
and Hyannis area until 1983.
Presently a boot manufacturer and repair
business occupies the store building. It is
hoped it too will be a three-generation