by The Eggers
Entry F119 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society
Evertt and Edythe Eggers, open house reception
January 1967, marriage December 31, 1966.
Everett was born May 12, 1898 in Lucas
County, Iowa. He was the father of ten
children. His wife died in 1966 after 48 years
of marriage. He then later communicated
with a former neighbor-girl sweetheart of
their teens, Edythe Zepp Machlan. Edythe's
husband, Russell Machlan passed away in
1961. They had one daughter Claudia. Ev-
erett and Edythe, after renewing their
friendship, were married on New Year's Eve,
in 1966. They lived in West Branch, Iowa
until 1968 and then came to Mullen, Nebr.
In 1969, Everett, a former foreman me-
chanic in an Iowa garage, built a shop and
went into business for himself in Mullen as
a small engine and lawnmower dealer and
repairman of lawnmowers and also a rental
business of garden tillers and power lawn
Age age 88, Everett had good health except
for the loss of one eye and a former injury to
his right leg which has plates and rods to hold
broken bones together. He still puts in
numerous hours in his shop during Spring
and Summer seasons. Edythe, 89 years
young, does here own housework and cans
food for winter use. The couple spends time
keeping their yard attractive. They were not
the type to sit and rock in their sunset years.