by Bernadette French

Entry F149 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Benjamin French Family. L-R: Lois (Nordahl), Albert, Benjamin,
Donald, Bernadette, Larry and Leila (Hicks) - 50th Anniversary.

Benjamin Rogers French was born to
Albert and Caroline French in Omaha, Nebr.
on Oct. 4, 1903. They moved to the Sandhills
in 1906 to a homestead southeast of Mullen.
After graduating from High School, he
helped at home on the ranch and then worked
on a drag line for Roland Franke for about
a year.

In 1930, he married Bernadette Piel, born
on Nov. 28, 1908 to Mollie and Joe Poel at
Blue Hill, Nebr. The Piels came to the
Sandhills in 1922. After High School, Berna-
dette taught country schools for three years
before their marriage.

Ben and Bernadette lived on the Albert
French place until 1939 when they moved to
the Johnson place about 18 miles north of
Mullen. Their sons Albert and Don rode
horseback to the Phipps school which was
about 3 miles. The family went to Sunday
School and Church in the Dry Valley Church
when they held services there.

In 1942, they moved to the Ike Wells place
about 14 miles southwest of Mullen, then
owned by her aunt and uncle, Frank and
Lilian Beal. In 1957, they bought this ranch
& still live on it in 1986. In 1966, they bought
the Piel place which joins the Beal ranch.

They attended Sunday School and Church
at the Van Deusen Schoolhouse whenever
they had services.

The children rode horseback to the Maire
School until ready for High School. The
children finished their schooling at the
Mullen Schools. They bought a house in town
and Bernadette would spend the week in
town with the children during school and go
home to the ranch on week ends. Ben had to
batch at the ranch during school days until
1952 when an oil strip was finished and the
children were able to drive back and forth.

Ben retired in 1969 and they have done a
lot of traveling since. They have been to all
the states west of the Mississippi River
except Alaska and Hawaii. Also have been to
the east coast and Canada so have been in
most of the states except the southeast and
the New England States.

Their children are: Albert L., married to
Virginia Licking, is a Computer Programmer
for the Nebraska State Department of Roads
and lives on a farm near Lincoln, Nebr.

Donald L. is an assistant Engineer for
Boeing of Seattle, Wash. and is assigned to
the B-1 at present. His wife Dolores works at
Sears in Seattle.

Leila Mae, married to Bill Hicks, is a school
teacher near Richland, Nebr. and has taught
20 years. They live on an acreage and raise

Larry J., married to Georgann Crouse,
rents his folks' ranch and lives on the Piel
place. Larry also drives truck parttime.

Lois Nordahl is head bookkeeper for an
appliance firm in Seattle.

The French's have 6 grandsons, 5 grand-
daughters, and 3 great-grandchildren.