by Virginia Lacock

Entry F218 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

My Grandparents were Stephen Lee James
and Virginia Boyer James. Thomas Jefferson
Starr and Sophronia Parks Starr. Stephen
James was born September 10, 1853. Virginia
Boyer March 17, 1855.

They were both born in the state of
Virginia and married in Virginia August 29,
1877. They had five children: Enice, Fay, Loy,
Lillian Cora. All are deceased now. Lillian
was my Mother. The James family moved to
Texas from Virginia around the year 1883.
The James family then moved to Nebraska
around the year 1889. Enice and Fay were
born in the State of Virginia. Loy and Lillian
was born in Texas and Cora born in Nebras-
ka. The James family homesteaded on the
place Eugene James lives on now north of

Thomas Jefferson Starr was born August
3, 1850 - died 1946. Sophronia Parks was
born November 1854 - died 1947. To this
union was born ten children. Asa, Alvin, Ara,
Albert, Allen, Alsey, Algia, Alonzo, Arthur,
Alice. All were born in Texas and all are
deceased except Albert.

Ara was my Father. Ara moved to Nebras-
ka near Mullen in 1901 and homesteaded
seven miles north of Mullen. There he and
Lillian James met and were married Decem-
ber 13, 1905. To this union were born six
children, Glee, May, Sylvia, Jefferson, Vir-
ginia, Thomas, all born at Mullen, Nebraska.

I am Virginia living at Niwot, Colorado.
Glee died December 29, 1982. Jefferson died
June 16, 1981.

Ara moved his family into Mullen from
their ranch so the children could attend
school in Mullen.

The family operated and delivered milk
around Mullen. They owned and run the
creamery in Mullen. The summer of 1924
they moved to Morrill, Nebraska. There Ara
was in the trucking business and doing lots
of truck gardening.

Ara died March 20, 1957 - his wife died
June 13, 1971. Albert Starr and wife Lula,
living in Texas, decided to visit his Brother
Ara in Nebraska. They stayed four months
and like it so well at Mullen, they went back
to Texas and moved their possessions to
Mullen. On October 5, 1911 Albert filed a
Homestead claim twenty-two miles north of