by Marjorie Wright

Entry T48 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

The Mullen Senior Citizen Club met in the
grade school lunch room and organized April
4, 1977 with sixteen charter members. Milton
Starr served as chairman for the meeting with
Harriett Isom acting secretary.

Officers elected were: Milton Starr, presi-
dent; Lee Cooley, vice-president; and Ruth
Huddle, secretary-treasurer. At the next
meeting, Ida Evans was elected Treasurer.

Meetings were then held in the Sexton
Building across the street from the Lowe
Hardware for $25 a month rent. Evening
meetings were set for the first and third
Mondays of each month; the first meeting for
business and birthday cakes, the second
meeting for potluck. For entertainment
different card games were played, jig saw
puzzles were available and bingo on Fridays.

The center is open every afternoon except
Sunday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. with individual
members hosting.

The next move in April of 1979 was to the
basement room in the courthouse, since the
Sexton Building had been sold and a short
time later it was moved. That same month
the Ericksen Building was purchased with
money donated by a number of the Senior
Citizen Club members as well as some outside
the club. It was extensively remodeled at this

Pancake suppers, soup suppers and an ice
cream social have been held to help with
expenses as well as donate to other wor-
thwhile projects. Many other groups use the
building also for a small fee.

An extensive remodeling job was done
again in the fall of 1986.

At one time there were 51 members. Now,
in 1987 there are 39 members. We have lost
12 by death and some have moved to other
localities. A wooden plaque with gold name
plates hangs on the wall in memory of all
deceased members.

The club has had a float in the Hooker
County Fair parade for five years and was
fortunate in winning first prize on all of them.
People who participated enjoyed being kids

New members and former members are
welcome and encouraged to come to the
center any afternoon or to the evening
meetings held twice a month.